Our worship services are usually led by our dynamic Senior Pastor, Rev. Andrew Daugherty, who always keeps it real, and incorporates humanity, Scripture, storytelling, and humor into his sermons. Through worship at Pine Street Church, you will find limitless opportunities for growth, community, connection and education.
The messages you hear on Sundays connect Scripture to personal experience, and link faith to contemporary culture. Our worship services also include responsive readings, quiet and communal prayer, and eclectic and inspirational music from many traditions. You will find that we are not overly formal, and each week we aim to provide a joyful and inspiring experience—from “coffee and conversation” before worship in our art gallery, to refreshments and friendship-building during our after-worship fellowship. You, and all, are warmly welcome into our beautiful downtown church and sanctuary, and we invite you to come as you are. Learn more about Senior Pastor Rev. Andrew Daugherty. |
Join us Sundays9:00 am Brews and Views: Faith Formation
10:00 am Sunday Morning Worship 11:00 am After-worship reception 11:30 am Art Brunch! All other days:
For more information about support groups that meet in our facility, call 303.442.6530 or email us. For more information or to schedule a lesson with Off Broadway School of Fine Arts (SoFA), call 303.800.0318 or email us. For more information about Off Broadway Preschool, call 303.800.0324 or email us. |