1946: The Mistranslation That Shifted Culture is a feature documentary that follows the story of tireless researchers who trace the origins of the anti-gay movement among Christians to a grave mistranslation of the Bible in 1946. It chronicles the discovery of never-before-seen archives at Yale University which unveil astonishing new revelations, and casts significant doubt on any biblical basis for LGBTQIA+ prejudice. Featuring commentary from prominent scholars as well as opposing pastors, including the personal stories of the film’s creators, 1946 is at once challenging, enlightening, and inspiring.
Join us for a special screening of this critically important film. Stay after for a special question and response session with the film's director, Sharon “Rocky” Roggio.
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All human beings are made in the divine image. We invite and welcome ALL to participate and partner in celebration across gender identity, age, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, cognitive and physical abilities, educational background, and socioeconomic situation. In this spirit of openness we are a proud member of the Association of Welcoming & Affirming Baptists (AWAB).