Reimagine 2024

“Gratitude and generosity are similar virtues, but they differ in that gratitude is an internal characteristic and generosity is our external expression of our sense of gratitude. Basically, gratitude is how we feel, and generosity is how we express that feeling out in the world”
-Richard Rohr (b. 1943), Franscican priest and ecumenical teacher
Pine Street Church is a congregation-supported church. Individual financial commitments are essential in planning for each year's ministry and missions. Please complete the form below to make your financial commitment in support of the 2024 Ministry Fund and offered in grateful response to God's grace and blessings, Pine Street Church's mission and ministry, and the love and service of this spiritual community. CLICK HERE to download, print, and mail a hard copy 2024 pledge form if you prefer to record your commitment this way.
-Richard Rohr (b. 1943), Franscican priest and ecumenical teacher
Pine Street Church is a congregation-supported church. Individual financial commitments are essential in planning for each year's ministry and missions. Please complete the form below to make your financial commitment in support of the 2024 Ministry Fund and offered in grateful response to God's grace and blessings, Pine Street Church's mission and ministry, and the love and service of this spiritual community. CLICK HERE to download, print, and mail a hard copy 2024 pledge form if you prefer to record your commitment this way.
A Message from our Chair of Stewardship

Sunday, October 23rd, as we celebrated 150 years of our church’s ministry in Boulder, we reflected on all we had received from the past: a church community gathered for a century and a half, a beautiful sanctuary, a magnificent organ, pastoral and musical talent trained and developed over decades of work. Now as we look to the future, ours is the task of maintaining the capacity of what we have received to continue the Lord’s work while building the foundation for new ministry in the decades to come. As we enter this stewardship season I hope we can reflect on our role in building the future of service for Pine Street Church.
At its best Church stewardship is a bridge between the past and the present. Starting with the fruit of past generosity in the form of building, equipment, talent, and commitment we need to look hard and realistically at what the realities of today can let us underwrite for the future. As our leadership council works to prepare the budget for 2023, our pledges provide critical information about what is possible. Keeping our buildings available to the many groups and services that can bring the Lord’s mercy to people in need, serving the spiritual needs of the those who worship in person or online, reaching beyond our bricks and mortar to serve the Lord’s flock both near and far all represent financial commitments of our Church rooted in the financial commitments we make to it. With your help our Church budget for 2023 will be a ringing testimony to the power of God’s people gather through Pine Street Church to feed the Lord’s lambs and tend the Lord’s sheep.
As a Church community we have come to resonate with our six-word sermon: Embrace Everyone, Inspire Life, Create More. Among many other things, to embrace everyone means we acknowledge that everyone of us has a different capacity to fund the work of the church. We have deemphasized the time of offering so that all can be comfortable in worship. Nevertheless, bills need to be paid, facilities need to be maintained, and payroll needs to be met. Inevitably, our financial commitment to the Church is a deeply personal decision to do what we can as we are able. There is no promise in scripture that we can purchase God’s favor through our gifts, but it is clear that working together with the best we can offer we can continue to write new chapters in the history of a church that has already labored successfully in the Lord’s vineyards for 150 years.
God Bless, and in the Spirit of Living and Loving Charity,
Dr. Michael K. Simpson, Stewardship Committee Chair
At its best Church stewardship is a bridge between the past and the present. Starting with the fruit of past generosity in the form of building, equipment, talent, and commitment we need to look hard and realistically at what the realities of today can let us underwrite for the future. As our leadership council works to prepare the budget for 2023, our pledges provide critical information about what is possible. Keeping our buildings available to the many groups and services that can bring the Lord’s mercy to people in need, serving the spiritual needs of the those who worship in person or online, reaching beyond our bricks and mortar to serve the Lord’s flock both near and far all represent financial commitments of our Church rooted in the financial commitments we make to it. With your help our Church budget for 2023 will be a ringing testimony to the power of God’s people gather through Pine Street Church to feed the Lord’s lambs and tend the Lord’s sheep.
As a Church community we have come to resonate with our six-word sermon: Embrace Everyone, Inspire Life, Create More. Among many other things, to embrace everyone means we acknowledge that everyone of us has a different capacity to fund the work of the church. We have deemphasized the time of offering so that all can be comfortable in worship. Nevertheless, bills need to be paid, facilities need to be maintained, and payroll needs to be met. Inevitably, our financial commitment to the Church is a deeply personal decision to do what we can as we are able. There is no promise in scripture that we can purchase God’s favor through our gifts, but it is clear that working together with the best we can offer we can continue to write new chapters in the history of a church that has already labored successfully in the Lord’s vineyards for 150 years.
God Bless, and in the Spirit of Living and Loving Charity,
Dr. Michael K. Simpson, Stewardship Committee Chair