Pine Street churches ecumenical parade 10:00am on Pine St between 14th St and 15th St downtown Boulder churches First Congregational, Trinity Lutheran, Pine Street Church, St. John's Episcopal, and First United Methodist all gather for a special joint service with a combined choir, special Palm Sunday homily, and even a live Donkey. Pine Street Church Palm Sunday service at a special time At 10:30am after the outdoor ecumenical service we will return to our own church and hold our own special Palm Sunday service. MAUNDY THURSDAY - April 18, 2019
Maundy Thursday Worship Service 6:00pm Please join us for an intimate, contemplative, and traditional Maundy Thursday liturgy that will include communion as well as Taizé music throughout, The Taizé songs will be led by the special Good Friday Musical Meditation band featuring a full string quartet. Open to All. |
GOOD FRIDAY - April 19, 2019
Good Friday Traditional Liturgy, with All Souls Church 5:30pm in the Sanctuary the Pine Street Church and All Souls Church will join for a traditional Good Friday Liturgy. Good Friday Musical Meditation 7:00pm in the Sanctuary the Pine Street Church music program will be presenting this unique concert/worship service. Each year for the past three years our music program has offered this special meaningful service in which our musicians perform an iconic album in its entirety. This year they will be performing Iron and Wine's "Our Endless Numbered Days". Please click here for more information. |
EASTER SUNDAY - April 21, 2019
Easter Sunday morning worship 10:00am in the Sanctuary we will hold our regular Sunday morning worship as we gather on this day to celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! Easter Egg Hunt Immediately after our morning worship we will hold an Easter Egg Hunt on our front lawn for all children and youth. |